BAD ASS ® Nutrition L-Carnitine Liquid 500 ml is a dietary supplement with extremely strong slimming and antioxidant properties. If you are looking for a product that will help you achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health, then L-Carnitine is the answer to your needs. Moreover, the liquid form effectively facilitates dosing. Not only do you not have to bother swallowing capsules, but you can also add them to water and drink during training!
What is L-carnitine?
L-carnitine is an organic chemical compound that plays a key role in fat metabolism. It is produced naturally by the body, but can also be given in the form of supplements, such as Bad Ass Nutrition L-Carnitine Liquid. Its main function is to transport fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are converted into energy. This makes L-carnitine extremely important for people who want to lose weight because it helps burn fat effectively.
Bad Ass Nutrition L-Carnitine liquid 500 ml - Slimming effect
Accelerates fat burning
L-carnitine is necessary for the fat burning process in the body. Its presence enables the transport of fatty acids to places where they are burned for energy. Thanks to this, people who use Bad Ass Nutrition L-Carnitine Liquid 500ml can experience accelerated fat burning, which promotes weight loss.
Increases the body's efficiency
Carnitine helps improve the body's performance, especially during intense physical exercise. By efficiently using fatty acids as an energy source, the body becomes more resilient and ready for longer and more intense exercise.
Reduces feelings of fatigue
L-carnitine supplements can help reduce fatigue and improve overall well-being. This is related to its ability to increase the body's efficiency and improve metabolism.
Neutralizes free radicals
In addition to its slimming effect, L-carnitine also acts as an effective antioxidant. Neutralizes harmful free radicals in the body, which helps protect cells from oxidative damage. Thanks to this, L-carnitine supplementation can contribute to overall health improvement.
How to use Bad Ass Nutrition L-Carnitine Liquid 500 ml?
To achieve the best slimming and antioxidant effects, it is recommended to use Bad Ass Nutrition L-Carnitine Liquid according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The usual dose is 10 ml per day. The product can be consumed alone or diluted in water.
Bad Ass Nutrition L-Carnitine Liquid 500ml is a product that can help you achieve your weight loss and health improvement goals. Its action is based on supporting fat burning and antioxidant properties. If you want to improve your figure and health, L-carnitine can be a key element in your diet. Thanks to the supplement with Bad Ass Nutrition L-Carnitine Liquid 500ml, you will receive support in the weight loss process, increase your body's efficiency and protect your cells from oxidative damage. All this makes this product worth the attention of people striving to achieve their goals.
Porsjon: ~2 skjeer (10 ml)
Porsjoner per beholder: 50
Mengde i 10 ml :
L-karnitin 2000 mg
Pantotensyre 6,7 mg (167 % RI)
Egenvekt: 500 ml
Ingredienser: vann, L-karnitin, pantotensyre (D-pantotenat, kalsium), syrer (E330, E296), smaksstoffer, søtningsmidler (acesulfam K, sukralose, neotame, steviolglykosider fra Stevia), konserveringsmidler (kaliumsorbat, natriumbenzoat) , farge (E150d), maltodekstrin.
Anbefalt bruk: Ta en porsjon daglig (~2 ts = 10 ml),
helst 30 minutter før trening. Rist før bruk, sediment er et naturlig fenomen.
Advarsler: Ikke bruk hvis du er allergisk mot noen av produktforbindelsene.
Ikke overskrid den anbefalte daglige dosen.
Kosttilskudd bør ikke brukes som erstatning for et variert og godt balansert kosthold.
Et variert og balansert kosthold og sunn livsstil anbefales.
Må ikke brukes hvis du er gravid eller ammer.
Oppbevares utilgjengelig for små barn.
Hvis du tar medisiner, bør du konsultere legen din før du bruker produktet.
Best før slutt, batchnummer (på øvre del av pakningen).
Oppbevares på et tørt sted, ved romtemperatur (15-25°C).
Beskytt mot lys. Må ikke fryses.
Når den er åpnet, oppbevares den i kjøleskapet i ikke mer enn 2 måneder.
Bør ikke brukes av personer med medfødte stoffskiftesykdommer og nyresykdom uten å konsultere leg